Studio: 618-457-3691 • Office: 618-529-5900 • 224 N. Washington St. Carbondale IL 62901

Marvelous Music of the Midwest

We will present all Midwestern artists on this show, as well as present our brotherhood dynamic on a public platform.

Tuesday – 10:00pm – Midnight

Brothers Dan and Ryan Milam were born and raised in the Midwest, soaking up and embracing midwestern culture. From REO Speedwagon and Styx to local bands such as The Copyrights and The Woodbox Gang, we would like to focus on the wide variety of marvelous music that has come from the Midwest. As brothers, we bounce ideas back and forth quite well and that extends our knowledge on many subjects.

  • Dan Milam

    At WDBX since 7/21/2020

    I listen to WDBX every day here in Carbondale. I love Carbondale and am proud to have been born and raised in this area. I believe in the permanence of community radio

    Born in Carbondale and raised in Benton, I’ve taken in a large dose of Midwestern culture. I’ve been playing music since I was 3, and the two collide naturally. Growing up in the Midwest define who I am as an artist. As a co-host of Marvelous Music of the Midwest, we will pinpoint the particular characteristics that make up a midwestern artist as we dig into all genres of music coming from the Midwest.

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