The Shawnee National Forest: A Different Perspective

Date(s) - 07/18/2022
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Pagliai's Pizza
The Shawnee National Forest: A Different Perspective
Monday July 18 7PM
Dr. Michael Jeffords will be presenting a program titled “The Shawnee National Forest: A Different Perspective”, on Monday July 18, 7 pm, in the meeting room at Pagliai’s Pizza, 509 S. Illinois Ave, Carbondale, IL. Everyone is welcome to attend this free presentation. The program begins at 7 pm, but all are welcome to arrive at 6 pm, buy their supper and join the group for dinner.
Dr. Jeffords is the retired education/outreach director for the Illinois Natural History Survey. Jeffords is an entomologist, a free-lance photographer, writer and educator focused primarily on the issue of biodiversity. Jeffords also served as staff photographer for the Illinois Steward magazine and co-author of Illinois Wilds, a coffee table book about the natural habitats of Illinois. Jeffords and his partner Sue Post have been documenting the Shawnee for over 40 years. Since retirement, the two have traveled the world, visiting every continent except Antarctica, photographing, and writing about the world’s vanishing Edens. As Jeffords’ says “I’ve been exploring the Shawnee National Forest since I was 11 years old. I grew up on the southern edge of the Shawnee, … and spent long days roaming the hills and valleys of this wild landscape. Believe me when I say there is a hidden world of biological phenomena waiting for those who look.”
Please join us as we learn more about the Shawnee National Park & Climate Preserve proposal. Understand why this groundbreaking proposal is not just a good idea, it’s an important movement whose time has come. Gain an understanding of how current management strategies on the Shawnee National Forest are negatively impacting some species. And why ‘expeditious management’ is not in the best interest of our forest and the creatures that make it whole.
Learn why the concept of a Climate Preserve is in everyone’s best interest.
Sponsored by Shawnee Forest Defense, the evening is free and open to the public – everyone is welcome. For more information, please contact Karen at 618-534-7870 or