Studio: 618-457-3691 • Office: 618-529-5900 • 224 N. Washington St. Carbondale IL 62901


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Date(s) - 05/27/2024
10:00 am

Woodlawn Cemetary


The City of Carbondale will host its annual Memorial Day Service at Woodlawn Cemetery on Monday, May 27th at 10:00
AM to honor the individuals who paid the ultimate sacrifice defending our nation. The Carbondale Fire Department will
begin the service by raising the flag. Then, Company C of the 31st Illinois Volunteer Infantry will perform the rifle salute.
The service will be led by Mayor Carolin Harvey, and the Memorial Day Address will be given by Captain Jonathan A.
Mitchell, JAGC, USN, Commanding Officer, Legal Unit, Commander Navy Reserve Forces Command.
Chairs will be set up for the service, so attendees do not need to bring lawn chairs unless they wish to.
Immediately following the service, there will be a self-guided walking tour through historic Woodlawn Cemetery,
marked by brief biographies of some of the notable veterans displayed near their headstones.
Woodlawn Cemetery is known to be the site where the first Memorial Day service was held in Illinois, and possibly in the
country, on April 29, 1866. This became a continued tradition, and on May 5 1868, General John A. Logan signed General
Order No. 11, setting May 30, 1868 as Memorial Day. By 1888 it became a legal holiday in twelve northern states, and
recognized nationwide in years to come. We hold great pride and honor in setting this tradition here in Carbondale, IL
and continuing to host it with deep reverence to this day.
Source: “A History of Early Carbondale: Illinois 1852-1905″, John W.D. Wright
For more information, contact Public Relations Officer at 618-713-0711.
“Carbondale prides itself on providing its visitors, students, businesses and residents with a unique mix of edge and ease.
It’s a cultural town, yet free of pretense, embracing the great outdoors as readily as urban sophistication. Here, we are
open to new ideas, experiences and cultures, so you are encouraged to both express yourself and be yourself, in all ways.
That’s Carbondale…All Ways Open… for family, fun, business, new ideas and a bright tomorrow.”

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