Sustainability Commission Meeting Notice
Date(s) - 11/16/2023
5:00 pm
Carbondale Civic Center
The City of Carbondale Sustainability Commission will meet this Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., in Carbondale Civic Center Room 103, 200 South Illinois Avenue, Carbondale, Illinois.
The agenda for this meeting is attached.
For further information, please contact:
Lauren Becker
Planner & Sustainability Coordinator
City of Carbondale, Illinois
200 S. Illinois Avenue
Carbondale, IL 62901
(618) 457-3246 office
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Approval of Meeting Minutes: October 19th, 2023
3. Citizen Comments and Questions
4. Presentations
February 2023 Chamber of Commerce Sustainability Award (Vice Chair Beck)
5. Report of Officers, Committees, and Communications
a. Sustainability Coordinator Monthly Progress Report (L. Becker, attached)
b. Former Koppers Wood Treatment Site Report (A. Beck)
6. Old Business
7. New Business
Further Discussion Surrounding Two-choke Leaf Blowers
Further Discussion Regarding Chamber of Commerce Award
Further Discussion Regarding Mayors Monarch Pledge – Accountability
8. Announcements
9. Adjournment
Voting Members:
Present Absent Comment
Treesong (Chair)
Aur Beck (Vice Chair)
Jane Cogie
Kevin Clark
Sarah Heyer
Yoonseo Jung (CCHS Student)
Isaac Ludington (SIU Student)
Gayle Klam
Joan Davis
Ex Officio Members:
Present Absent
City Staff:
Present Absent
Lauren Becker (Staff Liaison)
Community Members Present: