October Family Bike Month

Date(s) - 10/01/2020 - 10/31/2020
All Day
Get out and bike (or hike) with family and friends all through the month of October and enjoy the colors of fall. Make memories and share them at the Family Vacation Night FaceBook page by sending them to our Family Vacation Night page via messenger. The families with the most outstanding destination picture(s) will win a prize. Be creative with your destination and photo ideas and share your fun or make us guess your location! https://www.facebook.com/events/346608316480181/
Ideas to Support Your Biking Fun & Safety (FREE unless otherwise noted)
October 3rd, 8a-Noon The Bike Surgeon will be at the Carbondale Farmers Market to give tips and advice on minor repairs http://thebikesurgeoncdale.com/
October 6 & 9 Sustainable Cycling Class offered by the SIU Recreation Center requiring registration free to active members https://rec.siu.edu/classes-and-events/sustainable_cycling.php
October 17th, 8a-10a Phoenix Cycle will be at the Carbondale Farmers Market to give tips and advice on minor repairs https://phoenixcyclescarbondale.com/
Bike Repair Videos:
How to Use Fix-it Station https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TY00u
Dero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAtoXZV3Fhs (Use the QRL Codes at the fix-it station for a video specific to your fix-it needs)
Bucky Dome https://fullerdomehome.com/
Carbondale Farmers Market (Saturdays) https://www.facebook.com/farmersmarketcarbondale/
Carbondale Park District, Super Block with Fitness Station https://www.cpkd.org/parks-and-facilities/https://www.cpkd.org/places/united-states/illinois/carbondale/park/doug-lee-park-superblock/
Carbondale Public Library and Japanese Garden Visitors are welcome inside and limited to two hours each day. Mask use is a must at all times in the library. More at https://carbondalepubliclibrary.org/
Evergreen Park https://www.cpkd.org/places/united-states/illinois/carbondale/park/evergreen-park/
Giant City Water Tower https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvUTz31PmIE
Green Earth Trails (Bike there. Bike racks to lock up bike and many trees bikes can be chained to, then hike) https://www.greenearthinc.org
Historical Markers https://www.historyillinois.org/FindAMarker/CountyMap.aspx Find near you https://www.historyillinois.org/FindAMarker.aspx
Historic Murphysboro Memorial (Walk or) Bike Ride Map https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Az6GJeumNyQKB3tcyVNYyLF8pXZFzZa1/view?usp=sharing
Marberry Arboretum https://www.cpkd.org/places/united-states/illinois/carbondale/park/marberry-arboretum/
Murphysboro Parks https://www.facebook.com/murphysboropark/ New paths in Riverside Park Murphysboro opening TBA
Phoenix Cycles https://phoenixcyclescarbondale.com/
Polar Bear search: Proficient street and safe rider will enjoy stalking out a local polar bear known to hangout near a cemetery, bank and church.
Sallie Logan Library (Murphysboro) Visitors welcome for 30 minutes. Restrooms available. https://sallieloganlibrary.com/
SIU https://siu.university-tour.com/map.php
The Bike Surgeon http://thebikesurgeoncdale.com/service/
Touch of Nature: https://ton.siu.edu/touch-of-nature-forest/hiking-trails.php New paths opening TBA
Fix-It Station Map :http://explorecarbondale.com/DocumentCenter/View/2707/City-of-Carbondale-Bikeway-Map-PDF?bidId=
Maps of Bike Routes and Trails
Carbondale http://explorecarbondale.com/DocumentCenter/View/2707/City-of-Carbondale-Bikeway-Map-PDF?bidId=
Murphysboro https://www.mapmyride.com/us/murphysboro-il/
Rend Lake https://rendlake.com/?page_id=157
Tunnel Hill https://www.traillink.com/trail-maps/tunnel-hill-state-trail/
Mountain Bike Trail
Kinkaid Lake https://www.mtbproject.com/trail/7043711/kinkaid-lake-trail-382
Movies About Biking
Breaking Away trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL3U44It_To Buy or rent link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RosTfFAs-XM
ET trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvbUkBG0yrc
(Making of ET part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHsCTJOdNjk)
Inspired to Ride trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYbWn5IMoYc
69 year old riding for MS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Px6dmtApiQ
Responsible Riding Safety Videos & Tips:
For Children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT1-mDlVyaIFor all of us https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_iJIq5yTcABasic Bike Check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ1_yx_6B-UEssential Bike Skills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5s5hJhLBUec