Learning in Retirement: Documenting the Trail of Tears in Southern Illinois and Southeastern Missouri

Date(s) - 11/17/2021
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Categories No Categories
Dr. Ryan Campbell, Associate Director of the Center for Archaeological Investigations at SIU Carbondale, will speak at the Southern Illinois Learning in Retirement (SILIR) Zoom meeting. He will discuss the Center’s work in documenting the Trail of Tears where it crosses National Forest land in Southern Illinois and Southeastern Missouri. The project, which began in 2015, is being carried out cooperatively with the USDA Forest Service.
Dr. Campbell’s archeological research has included exploring some of the most remote locations in the forests of Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, and Missouri.
The meeting is free and open to the public. Non-SILIR members need to call Jackie Welch at 618-356-7751 or e-mail SILIR@SIU.EDU by November 15 to receive the Zoom link via e-mail.