Learning in Retirement: “A Visit with Cornelia ‘Fly Rod’ Crosby, Champion of Maine

Date(s) - 09/16/2020
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Pam Matthews will tell the story of Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby during the monthly meeting of Southern Illinois Learning in Retirement (SILIR). Cornelia Crosby (1854-1946) was a hunter, fisherwoman, journalist, and early promoter of the state of Maine and its natural beauty. Mathews, who has lived in Crosby’s home area, has written a children’s book about her.
The meeting will be held via Zoom and is open to all SILIR members. Membership in SILIR is open to anyone age 50 and older with annual dues of $25.00. One may join or renew by contacting Jackie Welch at 618-536-7751 or by emailing SILIR@SIU.EDU. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via email prior to the presentation.