Studio: 618-457-3691 • Office: 618-529-5900 • 224 N. Washington St. Carbondale IL 62901

Human Relations Commission Meeting

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Date(s) - 10/02/2023
5:00 pm

Carbondale Civic Center


The Human Relations Commission will hold a regular meeting at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, October 2, 2023, followed by the Human Relations Commission Retreat.  Both will be held at Carbondale City Hall/Civic Center, Room 116.

The agendas for the meeting and the retreat is attached.

For more information, please contact Courtney Beverly at 618-549-5302.

Human Relations Commission
Regular Meeting
Room 116

Monday, October 2, 2023 – 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM


I. Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes – August 7, 2023 Meeting
III. Presentation
– The Spero Family Services Program presentation by Tracie Donnelly, M.S.C.
– Review of Bylaws for future adoption and OMA presentation by City Clerk Jennifer Sorrell.
IV. Announcements
– Human Relations Commission Annual Retreat will meet following the October 2nd regular
V. Old Business
– None
VI. New Business
– None
VII. Report from Community Groups and Agencies
Report and status of Carbondale Police Department
Report and status of Study Circles Neighborhood Action Group
Report and status of Carbondale Branch of NAACP
Report and status of Race Unity Group
Report and status of Sparrow Coalition
Report and status of Carbondale United

Report and status of Black Chamber of Commerce of Southern Illinois
Report and status of The Survivor Empowerment Center
VIII. Public Comments
IX. Commissioners Comments
X. City Council Meeting Attendance
XI. Adjournment – Next Meeting: November 6, 2023

For more information, please contact Courtney Beverly

Carbondale Human Relations Commission

Monday, October 2, 2023
Carbondale Civic Center Room 116
200 S. Illinois Avenue
6:00 p.m.

The Retreat is open to the public. The purpose of the Retreat is to hold Commission discussion on
various topics relating to the duties and function of the HRC, as set out in the Carbondale Revised Code
(C.R.C. 1-14I-3), in a less formal setting. No action will be taken aside from convening and adjourning the
I. Roll Call and Introductions
II. History of Human Relations Commission
III. Review of By-Laws
IV. Citizens’ Comments
V. Commissioners’ Comments
VI. Review of Commissioners’ Terms
VII. Commission Discussion Establishing Direction for Future Agenda Items and Goals in Support
of the Duties and Functions of the Human Relations Commission
VIII. Impressionistic Summary
IX. Adjournment

For more information, please contact Courtney Beverly at 618-549-5302

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