Studio: 618-457-3691 • Office: 618-529-5900 • 224 N. Washington St. Carbondale IL 62901

Peace Coalition vigil: In Our America

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Date(s) - 07/04/2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Carbondale Town Square

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The Peace Coalition of Southern Illinois Monthly Vigil for Peace and Justice will be held Saturday, July 4, 2020, Noon to 1 P.M. at the corner of Illinois Ave. and Main Street in Carbondale, following CDC guidelines for physical distancing and wearing masks.

This July 4, we are inspired by the messages relayed by the flag image: “In Our America: All People are Equal, Love Wins, Black Lives Matter, Immigrants and Refugees are Welcome, Disabilities are Respected, Women are in charge of their bodies, People and Planet are Valued over Profit, Diversity is Celebrated”.

The “In Our America” flag includes and upholds the rights of all people, along with the preservation of our planet, according to the group Nasty Women Get S*** Done PDX (NWGSD) which emerged in Portland, Oregon in 2016 when friends gathered together to brainstorm ways to help their community. Their collaboration led to the creation of the flag image.

Stating that “We strive to listen, learn, and take the lead from people within marginalized and targeted groups” with the mission: “To support an era of activism, democracy, and progressive politics in which we advocate for social, financial, and environmental justice”.

As recent events reveal, these goals are more important than ever. Let us be inspired to carry them on. Together, we can build a world that works for everyone.

Appropriate signs will be provided but all are welcome to bring their own. The Peace Coalition monthly meeting will follow. Bring a chair, a drink and we’ll meet in the shade.

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